Poziv na predavanje: "Introduction to the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency", 20.12.2017. FER
Pozivamo Vas na predavanje u organizaciji Odjela za obradu signala Hrvatske sekcije IEEE i Zavoda za elektroničke sustave i obradbu informacija pod naslovom:
"Introduction to the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency",
koje će Ivan Glavaš, mag. oec. održati u srijedu, 20. prosinca 2017. godine, u 14.00 sati, u Sivoj vijećnici Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva.
Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane, a posebno pozivamo studente.
Više informacija o predavanju i predavaču pročitajte u opširnijem sadržaju obavijesti.
Sažetak predavanja:
In this lecture we will describe how blockchain and cryptocurrency coexsist, how cryptomarkets work and why they are important. We will describe what are cyptocurrency wallets and how transactions with cryptocurrency look like. Also, we will define what makes cryptocurrency valuable and how value is created.
Životopis predavača:
Ivan Glavaš is a co-founder of the Forebit - prediction market and data feed platform of cryptocurrency trading based on reporting and transaction analysis from global cryptocurrency exchanges. Prior to Forebit project, he gained the experience on the Zagreb Stock Exchange and the investment company as a broker for the stock markets. Since 2015, he has been engaged in exploring blockchain industry and investing in cryptocurrencies.