A da ne bi mislili da je obična navlakuša poput ovih McAfeeijevih, evo teksta, 18.01.2018. sliejdi airdrop u vidu Interlet tokena.........
Naravno ova cijena će se ponešto ispuhati, a onda opet up. imhoRise DPoS Blockchain Update: by PandaTanku
pandatanku (25) in rise • 10 days agoRise Update: by PandaTanku
Yohoo, welcome readers to this newsletter. Today we’ll talk about what has been going on at RISE and what is coming in the near future! Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share. The future is in your hands. Together we can make a difference! Let’s get moving.
Note: This letter is written by a community member and is not published by the official RISE team. I do not own any documentation/information of any links and all rights go to their respectful owners.
Quick Intro on RISE
Rise is a blockchain platform using the DPoS consensus algorithm. The vision of RISE is to make it easy to get started and build (mobile) dapps on its platform. This is enabled by offering a wide variety of coding languages that integrate with the platform as well as Drag and Drop or Builder applications to help you get started. RISE also offers the incubator service to help blockchain startups with dev/advise/guidelines and possibly more.Delegated Proof of Stake used by RISE makes use of 101 delegates that are forging and verifying blocks. Who decides the delegates? The people owning RISE can vote who the delegates are and in fact there is no minimum of RISE required in order to vote. All you need is to have your RISE in the wallet and vote for a delegate. You can vote for only 1 delegate per RISE address/wallet and 1 vote costs 1 RISE. Once you have voted for a delegate and that delegate is in the top 101 (based on the RISE shares the delegate has from all the voters included), you will receive your RISE share from the block rewards/fees. You do not require to leave your wallet running to receive rewards.
DPoS consenus allows everyone to participate and get rewarded and is one of the most energy efficient algorithms currently in use by blockchains.
What has been done in the past weeks
The team has made progress in various areas. We could say the dev team has been working hard. The RISE core has been rewritten in TypeScript and Andrea working to clean up a few modules to make sure good code practices are followed. Why TypeScript you may ask? You can get some more info on this blog:
Besides Andrea aka Vekexasia, we got some other talented devs working towards completing the test-units. Currently 68% of the codebase is covered. All details about the latest developments can be found here:
We got an awesome team working for RISE, but why not expand and add some bright heads to the team?
We got some interesting personalities joining the team that will help develop and market RISE to the masses.
Community Manager:
What is to come in the very near future:
Rise Base Establishment
Regulations, scams, how is RISE preparing for the future? Rise is setting its foot in Gibraltar and establishing a base. Gibraltar is currently the place to be for blockchain and DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology). Things are moving quickly and Rise Vision should be incorporated by 1st of Jan 2018:
What makes Gibraltar so interesting? Read few posts and check these videos to get you convinced. ;)
https://www.coindesk.com/gibraltar-to-create-license-for-blockchain-startups/Airdrops, ICOs, Incubator
The incubator idea behind RISE is to help new projects get started, help with dev, follow any regulatory guidelines where applicable with the help of RISE’s expertise in the cryptosphere. Any blockchain startups making use of the incubator service will share 20% of their coins/tokens to RISE holders. First in line is the “Interlet” project. The Announcement is getting closer and we may see some action soon. A snapshot of the rise-wallet is projected to take place in January 2018 for the Interlet airdrop, more detailed information will follow later:
Make sure to hold your RISE in the wallet (and ofcourse vote for your favorite delegate to earn some more )
Other projects in line are “Chipz” and possibly a fitness application.Where to catch up on all the previous news?
You can check out all official newsletters here:
Official newsletters are release bi-weekly, usually on Fridays. Make sure to have a look to stay up to date on the RISE progress. -
CP od Kucila sa forum.hr-a
Zahvaljujuci tome ce i RISE zavrsiti u lokalnom walletu.
Rise je bogme gadno pao. Na bittrexu obavijest da će ga maknuti s mijenjačnice 9. Feb.
" This market is getting delisted on February 9th, 2018."Nemam sad vrem istraživati detalje, hodlam to i dalje. Ali izgleda zgodno vrijeme za dokupiti.
na twiiteru su rekli (a i kucilo je napisao na forumu) da su izjavili iz RISE da nece dijeliti airdropove, kako bi ostali na bittrexu. tada sam dokupio 4500 komada. e sada, od onda je cijena mrvicu porasla. ocekivao sam puno veci rast kada ekipa skuzi da se ipak nece maknuti s bittrexa. uglavnom, idem onom maksimom da se kupuje kada pada, a rise lijepo pao. pa vidjet cemo... ako nista drugo, neka se kiseli na walletu :)
i dakle, kako sam kupio rise, tako sam sada 10% i minusu :) dakle...
uglavnom, jel idete na public poolove ili idete na private? vidio sam da ovi private imaju znatno veci % prinosa.
da ne pisemo na dva mjesta iste stvari, @KuciloOro pliz ak budes dobio kakve informacije, javi i ovdje. #hatebittrex
Gle, ak Bittrex pokušava uvesti depositanje $$$ oni jednostavno MORAJU ovo napraviti. Nema druge. Ili iradiš po zakonu, ili ne radiš. RISE devovi su mogli odlučiti i reći: "fak ju, idemo dalje", ali nisu, iz jasnih razloga, i ta odluka bi ih koštala.
Pitanje je samo, što će ih koštati više dugoročno. Nepovjerenje korisnika ili odlazak na manju burzu. Poznavajući ljude, rekao bih da su izabrali dobro.....vinske mušice zaboravljaju jako brzo...
nisam siguran tko odredjuje pravila, ali mislim da je i bittrexu nametnuto pravilo da ne smije airdropove raditi. naravno, cujem da ima izuzetaka. kao i uvijek, postoje pravi i praviji :))) uglavnom, ako bittrex zeli raditi u americi, moraju postovati americka pravila. a ako rise zeli biti na bittrexu.. dalje ti je sve jasno.
e sada, dobivati airdropove projekata koji se zasnivaju na rise platformi je, meni, SUPER fora.
meni najvise zao zato sto mi je pala cijena :)))))))))
Ok, znaci, Rise je maknut sa Bittrex-a. Zna li itko dali ce se sada ipak odraditi airdrop koji su obecali?
Ok, znaci, Rise je maknut sa Bittrex-a. Zna li itko dali ce se sada ipak odraditi airdrop koji su obecali?
ne znam za sigurno, ali ako se zele vratiti na bittrex, onda nece, jer je to jedan od uvjeta koje moraju ispuniti da se vrate. za sada se nista ne zna. stavili su na twitter obavijest da ljudi budu strpljivi, da pravnici obavljaju svoj posao, bla bla... bumo vidjeli za par tjedana.
NAjavljuju na web-u ulaz na binance. Tamo tih pravila nema...sad je samo pitanje, što misle da im je više "hot" biti na više razno raznih burzi slabijih od Bittrex-a ili Bittrex pa mogući par rise-usd....