Decred (DCR)
Pozdrav ekipa
Ukratko: Hybrid POW/POS - blok se dijeli tako da 60% POW , 30% POS i 10 % Dev fond ( trenutno oko 430k DCR). Dev fond bi se trebao koristit kao DAO gdje svatko bude mogao ponuditi neki svoj proposal i ako stakeholderi glasaju za vaš prijedlog omogućit će vam financiranje iz tog fonda ( ).
Jel tko holda DCR i kakva su vaša mišljenja o projektu ak ste već naletili na njega.
Decred is a cryptocurrency, similar to Bitcoin, with a strong focus on community input, open governance and sustainable funding and development. It utilizes a hybrid “proof-of-work” and “proof-of-stake” mining system to ensure that a small group cannot dominate the flow of transactions or make changes to Decred without the input of the community. A unit of currency is called a ‘decred’ (DCR). To ensure the integrity of the currency and prevent people from making fraudulent transactions or creating their own coins, Decred uses a method of recording transactions known as a blockchain. : Poloniex, Bittrex
Odličan projekt koji dosta hvale tehnički potkovanije osobe. Pomalo podcjenjen.
Uskoro će uvesti mogućnost ASIC mininga.
Spremni su za LN i atomic swap.
Neki konkurenti: LTC, VTC, VIA
Dvoumio sam se između njih i VIA. Na kraju sam ušao u VIA jer je manji mcap.